Here’s the poem that we collaboratively created at the Lounge on September 29, 2017: Dinner without the Pope: Not Mincing Words (Mangiando senza il Papa) Esperando el autobus Sin saber adonde se vaya What happens when the gloaming moon implodes? La lune de fromage est disparue Die zwinkernde Sterne sind ruhig (the winking stars are calm) Brave in a trenchcoat The immigrant waits in fright Riding turquoise Godzilla to dinner Salut! Cherie mon amour tu est arrivee. Just in time for the roasted boar, not burned, but cooked to perfection Avocado salad on the side Wirklich herrlich Euphoric lilac champagne Revives progress this special night Speaking in tongues. Food is love. Love is food. But she must bring her hopeless brother Like a lion out of the forest He annoys and disturbs Solamente le pernite pedir Agua mineral And banished to Siberia Baked pamplemousse for dessert Unexpected as sand in Yosemite El color de mantequilla Unexpected as peach fuzz next morning On his baby face Zauber! Zauber! Zauber! Alles in Allem. It all goes down smoothly, like voodoo Liver, Brussels sprouts, lima bean stew.

Pamela, Andrea, Juanita, Cathy, Carol, Lynn, Michael, Jim, Joseph, Magdalena and Kokoro