Summer Writing Conference

Check out Joan Rose Staffen’s retreat at this summer’s Catamaran Literary Conference at This is a wonderful opportunity for poets on the Central Coast to generate new work or to...

Why Poetry Matters

While trying to convince a librarian to reinstate Community Poetry Circles I culled some compelling arguments, I think, about why poetry matters: Why Poetry Matters, Pam Allyn, Contributor, Founder & Executive Director, LitWorld, at...

Going to Mars

Have you ever considered all the writing material you can obtain by exploring outer space? Consider this poem by Sally Ashton, published on the Rattle website (Poets Respond section); then choose a planet that intrigues you and write a poem. Here’s...

Journal Writing

While preparing to teach a new class through Dominican Hospital’s PEP…on Journal Writing to Decrease Stress and Increase Mindfulness, I’ve been reviewing all the terrific books I have on keeping journals and the importance of doing so. Re-reading...